Thursday 26 February 2015

Satine’s leaving already!

On Friday 27th February Satine will be leaving our class to go to Europe for 11 months.
Satine will be going to Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Germany, Croatia, Denmark, Italy France, Spain, and many more. She has made a blog which she will update often. It takes a lot of time and effort to keep a blog up to date so it would be awesome if you/we were checking it often and leaving comments all the time!

You are a great member of our class and we are all sad that you are leaving for so long, it’s going to be so different without you. We are going to miss you very much. We all hope that you have a great time traveling across Europe and we will always keep you in mind. We hope you have an amazing time in Europe.
From Zoe and the rest of Room 19!!

Sunday 22 February 2015

It was a beautiful sunny day when room 19 went out for athletics day at nairnville park. At the start of athletics we had to go and find our house groups wearing their house T shirts and face paint. There were events like Long jump, High jump, 100m and 200m Sprints, 800m and 1500m run, Shot put, Discus and Vortex. We had to get ready for our events with a warm up. We also had to put lots of sunscreen on and then the events were under way. When you looked around everyone was enjoying their self by smiling, chatting together and listening to the music from the stereo. After a wonderful day of success and personal bests it came to an end. We enthusiastically told our teacher the results. Then we went home. What a great day!!!!

-Nick and Ethan

Tuesday 17 February 2015


Hey to the Room 19 community!

I just thought I'd introduce myself, I am Jordan Price and I am the teacher of Room 19. I have only been teaching at Raroa for a year and am thoroughly enjoying my time here! 

My interests are pretty much any sport you can name therefore I am rather competitive! In my spare time I am Rugby referee and will be reffing predominantly in the Wellington Senior 1 competition.

My intention is to have the Blog updated twice a week, with the students taking responsibility for this. I will also put homework up on here under the Home Learning tab.

I hope you have an awesome year!

Jordan Price