Thursday 25 June 2015


Matariki Week!

On Week 9 Term 2 , for homework we had to decide if you think Matariki should replace Queens Birthday Weekend. As Matariki becomes more popular many people think that Matariki should replace Queen’s Birthday as a public holiday.
So we had to:
1. Outline three advantages and disadvantages of this happening
2. Present an illustrated story of a story about Matariki.  

Overall Room 19 thought that it was a bad idea to replace Queen’s Birthday with Matariki because it would make the royal family feel ignored, it would make people in New Zealand who like royalty feel ignored as well and other countries who don't know what Matariki is. But the advantages were that people thought it would be a more New Zealand related holiday, it would make people from other countries and cultures learn more about the Maori culture and New year.

By Julia Koning

By Georgia Simpson



By Anton Keller

Monday 15 June 2015

FIFA Under 20's

FIFA U20 World Cup

On week seven Room 19s Homework was to write about the FIFA under 20 World Cup 2015. You had to write about the country you think will win, the benefits for New Zealand and a player from the country you think will win. We could hardly agree what country would win but we could all agree that it had benefits like a major tourist attraction and FIFA recognizing New Zealand.    

By Sam and Esben

Billy T James

Billy T James
This week for homework we had to write about the great comedian of New Zealand, Billy T James. We had to write about what influence he had on New Zealand. Billy T James lived from 17 January 1948- 7 August 1991 in Waikato. In 1991 he had a heart attack. After he died NZ citizens made an comedy award for him. It was called the Billy T Award and the winners get a yellow towel instead of a  trophy. In 2010 the Billy T James movie was released, it was called the Billy T:Te Movie and was a big hit.
Image result for billy t james

By Anton and Alex

Billy T James was a well known New Zealand comedian. He was incredibly talented and didn't mind making fun of his culture. This was a big part of Career pretending/ imitating his and others cultures. He also did a lot of covers from famous songs which were really funny. Comedy was only part of his career along with singing and acting. So we were very glad we got to look into his life a bit more. We got to watch some of his acts and they were really entertaining. Sadly he passed away in 1991 but his comedy still lives on until this day.

Watch him in action down below!!!

By Libby, Miranda

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Pink Shirt Day!

On Friday the 22nd it was the day to wear everything pink from pink shirts to pink hairspray. Everyone had a great time dressing up to show that they were against bullying. The school had a competition that was which class would have the most students turn up to a gold coin donation zumba class. Almost everyone including the staff had something pink on them. At the end of the day everyone got together to make a person wearing a pink top out of the people that were nearly completely pink!

By Patrick and Warrior

Monday 8 June 2015

Winter Sport

Every second Thursday, we go off to winter sport. We got to pick 3 activities we wanted to do and we got put in one of them. There is gymnastics, funky fitness, inline hockey, badminton, ASB centre, squash, turf sports and water works. They are all at different places. The funky fitness is at City Fitness gym in Johnsonville,water works is at Keith Spry and so on. Half the school does it one week, the other half goes the next week so that there isn't an overload of people at one activity. Everyone enjoys winter sport and we can’t wait to do it again this week and choose another activity next term!

By Julia and Evie