Thursday 23 April 2015



This Saturday the 25th it will be the 100th anniversary for the ANZACs that fought at Gallipoli. Room 19 has been busy preparing for ANZAC day by making poppies with Wellington soldiers names on them. We made them by tracing over a picture of poppies and then wrote the soldiers information on them. Then all we had to do was colour them in. These poppies are to pay tribute to all the soldiers that died in the Wars protecting New Zealand. Lest We Forget.

By Sam and William

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Chocolate Fundraising!!

On Tuesday classes went to pick up their chocolate boxes. The options were Crunchie, Dairy milk and Caramello although everybody swapped some chocolate for other flavours so they had all three. The fundraising is to help build our new Learning street on the concrete between DPE 1 and 4. There are many different prizes from candy, skateboards, speakers, and laptops. Every day $5 is given to one person who has sold a box of chocolate. And if your class sells the most boxes of chocolate then your class will get a $300 trip to go to their chosen destination in and second and third place also get some money as well. Most people really enjoy chocolate selling as it is a fun way to get money for your school and also a fun way to hang out with your friends.
By Georgia and Evie

Auction Day

Auction Day

In Room 19 we have a system where there are four boxes coloured; red, yellow, green and blue everyone starts at the yellow square if u do something good you get your name moved up a square if you be bad then you get moved down a square. Every square is worth a different amount of points. At the end of everyday Mr Price adds up the points and adds them to your table groups points. At the end of every week we start from scratch. At the end of every term we have a silent auction which is using up all the points we have collected. There is a list of items that we can bid for with our table group points. Here are a few of the items that will be sold: small bags of lollies, hall pass, Teacher for a block, page of stickers and lots more.

Greta and Julia